GBwhatsapp Apk Download latest Version 2018
GBwhatsapp Apk is a most popular application. if you have any two android device and want to use MOD application that's possible like a 2 whatsapp account in one device. in this application you can hide the last seen and much more amazing feature. many people is searching on google that GBwhatsapp download free,latest version of GBwhatsapp Apk free download. we provide direct download link so you can easy to download this application.there are a lot of the trick are available in GBwhatsapp Apk. this GBwhatsapp Apk is a better then Whatsapp plus and ogwhatsapp. we have listed some cool feature which includes GBwhatsapp Apk.If you want clash of clans mod apk then click Here
Download GBwhatsapp 5.40 latest version:
You can easily and understandable download GBwhatsapp Apk below provided a link. you have share this application and provide a download link . all link are working is easy. if you have still and issued then you can comment box in write the comment and I will try to help you. This application is really good work in all android device. it is a better than whatsapp and lots cool and amazing features are available. we have add the latest version of GBwhatsapp Apk and all days we have provide always latest version download. so you can download and enjoy this latest GBwhatsapp Apk without rooting your android device. shareit.
Download GBwhatsapp:-Download GBwhatsapp
GBwhatsapp version information:-
- Software name == GBwhatsapp
- Latest updated == 18th march 2017
- Android version == 4.0+
- App size == 33.5 mb
- Developer == GBmod
- Main task == all whatsapp feature and some cool and amazing feature.
GBWhatsapp vs. Whatsapp:
GB Whatsapp Plus 2018 in theme supported but normal whatsapp theme not supported.
GBWhatsapp in can disable call but normal whatsapp can't disable calling.
GBWhatsapp in hiding blue tick, second tick and online status but normal whatsapp hide blue tick only.
GBWhatsapp in call via directly one person to another person but normal whatsapp cant't make phone call.
GB Whatsapp Messenger in chat lock inbuilt but normal whatsapp no lock option.
GBWhatsapp in always online mod but normal whatsapp no online option.
GBWhatsapp in send 90 image at once but normal whatsapp send 10 image at once.
How to install GBwhtasapp:
- Go to phone setting-security - tick on unknow source.
- Now download GBwhatsapp in this link and install GBwhatsapp . it will start install apps so wait a few second. Also, Download Whatsapp Beta.
- Now, open GBwhatsapp in your device and you will see ask your mobile number.
- Enter your mobile number and wait automatically OTP is provide. GBWhatsapp Apk
Permission Require:
- Retrieve running app.
- identity provide.Whatsapplus+
- Read and modify the contact.
- Appropriator location and GPS. (location)
- Send and retrieve SMS.
- Read phone status and identity.
- Take pictures and video.
- Microphone.
- View WIFI connection. Check out: uktvnow
Feature of GBwhatsapp:
- Disable last saw, hide blue tick and second tick.
- You can create own theme and send to developer.
- Customise notification bar and create your logo. Tubemate.
- Colourise status and nav bar.
- Don't need open chat every time check the person is online or not.
- Status limit 255 characters.
- Send up to 90 images.
- Send video up to 16 mb.
- Add up to 600 contacts in the broadcast list.
- No ban issue.
- Support voice calls and it can be disabled.
- A different theme from a different type of theme download.
- Change style on blue tick.
- You can create ISO type theme in GB whatsapp apk free.
- Show your status continue online.
- Copy your friend status.
- Copy the specific text in a message. best free music downloader apps
- Don't need to copy the full text and edit it.
- Hide specific message and specific chat.
- Send any DOC file.Apkagain
- New emoji added.
- Set group name up to 35 characters.
- About 100+ language support.
- Add lock on your whatsapp. also check out. CLash of clans.
This article about GBWhatsapp. so, we share compelet information about gbwhatsapp. and also we compare official whatsapp and gbwhatsapp. You know who is more feature provide. If youhave any question then ask me on comment box. So, download GBwhatsapp and enjoy.
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